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"Discovering" an accomplished artist who marches to a beat so outside the acceptable songs of his or her time can be refreshing. In retrospect, when civilization has caught up, the artist often seems to have been prophetic. The Age of Aquarius has familiarized us with...
What do The Beach Boys have to do with painting?
Behind the scenes creating The Rocks of Rhode Island paintings.
A generation that had gone to school on a horse-drawn streetcar stood under the open sky, after WWI, in a countryside in which nothing remained unchanged but the clouds, and beneath these clouds, in a field of forces of destructive torrents and explosions, was the...
True Nature is a collection of nine folios printed on copper sheeting, each measuring 8 x 12." The sheets have been folded vertically and stitched down the fold with copper wire, emulating pages removed from a "found" book. Emulating the practice of elevating...
Books have always occupied a special place in my world, both as repositories of idea and aesthetic objects. Thus, it was a great honor to be invited to participate in the 2008 exhibit "Banned and Recovered: Artists Respond to Censorship." The exhibit was first mounted...
Santa Bernadeta is an imaginary saint, whose creation was inspired by the magical blend of indigenous, religious, and colonial Spanish influences that uniquely defines Latin and South American culture. I invented Santa Bernadeta through my own photographs of the rich...